Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Naps and academics

I need a nap.

I've been trying to work on my abstract for my Arthur paper all day, and I is tired.

So procrastination begins!

I'm really excited to be able to read a novel for fun over break. Yes, I am definitely very excited about that. I also really want to continue writing my novel, which has been on hold for several months and is bothering me. I'm debating what to read. I know that I'll need to finish "The Phantom Tollbooth," but that's a kid's book so it's a really fast read.

I think it's high time I read "The Little Prince." I'm really into literary tattoos, and there are a lot of people that get images from that book as tattoos. I'd like to see what all the fuss is about. I also really want to read some more George Orwell. I'm feeling a reread of "1984," because for some reason "Animal Farm" just isn't catching my eye. But I should read "Animal Farm" at some point. Or some Kurt Vonnegut. I still haven't read any Kurt Vonnegut. I also want to read some Virginia Woolf, when I've got time to just relax and read it. She's got so much going on, I'd like to be able to pull it apart.

... Somehow, I don't think my winter break will be long enough for me to get through all of those books. Sad!

Oh, if only I were done with the semester. I feel like I'm about to go crazy. Yesterday was too nice, being at home. Way, way too nice. I can also focus so much better there than I can here - I think it's because here, it's my life and therefore overwhelming, but at home I have more ability to relax. I just need this semester to be over so I can get a new, fresh start. I hate it when the classes I'm taking get old and stale. Not good.

This post was written a couple of days ago, and I realized it would be really good to put it here. In other news, I'm being picked up by my parents in less than an hour for Thanksgiving. It should be pretty fantastic - Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.

Peace out, folks!

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