In case you're curious about this hella awesome conference, I'll post a link here. I'm super, super excited.
There. Check it, this is going to be awesome.
Is it strange that I'm super excited about the 20 hour bus ride there, and then the ride back? It'll be really great to chill with new friends. They're all very cool people, and I'm quite happy to be spending any amount of time with them.
As for life as it currently stands, I am absolutely insane this week. I'm trying to finish homework so I can read fun things and socialize on the bus, but that's rather a lot of homework. I should also really do the dishes before I leave (they're getting scary and multiplying ...), as well as the laundry, but I've only really got two more days.
Dad's coming up on Wednesday to pick out a new sleeping bag. He's bothered about the state of my old one. Apparently this means I'm getting a new one. Hey, no complaints here. It's also the week before tech. week at work, and so I should really be at work as much as possible. Not to mention I could really use the money ...
Good news: I submitted a draft of my research proposal to Marcella today. Yay! Hopefully she'll like it. We're meeting up tomorrow to discuss it. I love her to pieces.
It also looks like I might be able to do Summer of Solutions as well as Collaborative Research. That would be cool ... I need to do at least five hours of research a day this summer, but that leaves quite a lot of time for Summer of Solutions. Especially if I'm not a leader-type person.
Meh. As for now, I really need to go to bed, seeing as how I'm still a bit screwed up from my massive sleep schedule reversal.
Good night, lj/blog-land!
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