Monday, March 30, 2009

Not much has happened

My moods have been swinging up and down strangely all day. I don't quite know what to make of them. Acting was really fun this morning, and then I went to get lunch. I don't know if I was upset about the lack of good food, or general irritation, or what, but I got super crabby really fast. And it wasn't fun for anyone. It feels a little bit like PMS with a vengeance.

Then I took an hour long nap. Felt better, upon waking up, and have been trying to work on my short story for creative writing since then. It's going slowly. I think I'll take a break to accomplish some other homework-y things.

At the very least, it feels good to have most of my homework caught up on. That makes things better.

I am liking the switch over to the new voice for the novel, but it's hard to break out of my old writing style. This short story thing is a good idea, though, as I will actually get a chance to edit. Hopefully that will make me feel better about my skills as a writer. As of right now, it's sucking the big one.

Hmm ... I think some writerly TLC may be in order. Reading encouraging books on writing will be nice.

Finished the cowl yesterday. It's a fuck-up. And I also failed to bind it off correctly, so it's dying. Gah. Fail. Fail, fail, FAIL. At least now I can get started on my new purse. I need lots and lots of practice if I'm going to start up an etsy shop/generally sell my things.

Back to homework now. Maybe I should update about spring break? Is that necessary?

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