Friday, March 27, 2009

Oh god, I think I've come down with the crazy. Seriously.

Spring break is torturous in that it isn't quite long enough. It gives me just a taste of time off, but fails to provide real time for that. I haven't got nearly what I wanted to get done done this week. Oh well, I always have grand plans for whenever I'm on break and it just doesn't happen.

I've been thinking quite seriously about selling things on Etsy. Before I do that, of course, I have to work on a wide variety of projects. I'm thinking I'll sell knitted things, sewn things, and possibly some collage art. Yeeeeaaaah. It's all very exciting, and gives me an excuse to make things. I may also make some wall-hanging type things. I have no idea what I'll make them out of, but that would be cool. I do so love interior decorating.

Now, I just need to finish the knitting project I've been working on. My cats actually bit the ball of yarn off the project so they could bat it around. I'm torn between annoyance and letting my heart melt due to the cute. It is very cute of them to become so aggressively involved with my projects, but I'm a little worried about the outcome of this project. Oh well.

Spent most of this afternoon attempting to write a short story for creative writing. It's a bit of an experiment - I hate being that girl who just writes a chapter of the novel, but honestly, I need to experiment with point of view. I can already tell that going from this character's point of view will make the story better, but it's a big commitment to switching over. I'm not going to throw out everything I've written, but instead I'll do a section in one point of view, and a section in another.

Unfortunately, the short story is giving me problems. At least I'll be able to edit this one and beat it into shape, rather than living wtih the embarrassment like I must with the novel.

Mom and I have a date tonight. She's going to buy me a skirt or a pair of pants. This is all kinds of exciting - I'm thinking a new, summer skirt may just be in order. We're also going to go out to eat, and then to Borders. Yes, please.

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